Singing on Water it's an idea; a project born from the collaboration between Tobia Lamare and Surfinsalento.it.
It's a trip that becomes a documentary. Surf and music: two passions, two ways of life that interact together and create something unique.
The first episode was shot in Ireland during the last week of October 2012. The main characters of this trip are "the surfing" of the surfinsalento's ambassador Angelo Mojo Verzini, Twins Bros team rider and supported by Quicksilver , and "the music" of Tobia Lamare & the Sellers.
From Dublin to the Donegal county, on the Atlantic coast, looking for the most beautiful waves in Europe and the big wav surfers, for the independent music, for the great irish hospitality and for the beautiful green hills standing by the cold sea of the north. Six concerts and surf sessions during the eight days before the Halloween night, that show the beauty of the irish land and of the Irish people.
Enjoy yourselves this pre-view on the Singing On Water Crew's work, that is going soon to travel through Cornwall, Portugal, Spain and Italy.